Links To Redox Related Websites

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Living Cells Explained
This article explains briefly how living cells function by How Stuff Works.
Science Direct
Search for peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters (including open access content)
National Library Of Medicine
easily search & download references & abstracts

search chemicals: names, formulae, molecular structures
Drug Bank
This website has an extensive data-base which enables inquirers
to find lists of drugs or naturally occurring substances,
which contain specified reactive groups.
101 Science,general
Links to articles on a wide variety of scientific topics.
101 Science,chemistry
Links to articles on chemistry.
101 Science,redox
Links to articles on oxidation and reduction.
Textbook Revolution
Links to free textbooks covering a wide range of subjects.
Textbooks can be downloaded as pdf files or viewed online as e-books.
Index of Topics

a digital library
American Chemical Society
search data bases of chemical literature, includes references and abstracts
Wikipedia - Science
Wikipedia is an extensive and growing resource of scientific information.
Type in the name of a chemical in the search box and relevant information
will be served including common uses, reactions and structural formulas.
Warning: occassionally adversarial censorship occurs here.
Society For Redox Biology And Medicine (formerly "The Oxygen Society") is
a professional organization comprised of over 1,350 scientists, researchers and
clinicians with an interest in the field of free radical chemistry, biology and medicine.
Their journalFree Radical Biology and Medicine encompasses chemical, biochemical,
genetic, molecular biology, cell biology, cell signalling, physiological, pharmacological,
pathological, toxicological and medical approaches to oxygen and free radical research.

Tree Farm Communications
records of medical conferences
Koch's Therapy
This website serves an extensive collection of documents
pertaining to William Frederick Koch,PhD,MD,
his oxidative catalysts and the results of their application.
Doctor Andreas Ludwig Kalcker has and continues to extensively
research and report his findings pertaining to chlorine dioxide,
its chemistry and its biological applications.
Andreas Kalcker
Be sure to click on pull-down menus along the top
of the home-page such as [CDS] or [Protocols].
Doctor Kalcker has written 4 excellent books.
Study many pertinent scientific references.
See their collection of videos free from adversarial censorship.
Peruse their ever-expanding collection of articles and commentaries.

Universal Antidote
compiled by the "Curious Outlier", a video explaining the history and
development of chlorine dioxide treatments, quotes false criticisms
by fake news pundits, includes moving favorable testimonies
downloadable collection of references and links
downloadable instructions how to prepare chlorine dioxide solutions

International Ozone Association
education and research pertaining to use of ozone
in medicine and in water purification
Ozone Without Borders
dedicated to advancing medical ozone, ozone therapy, and bio-oxidative technology worldwide
Oxidation Therapy
Robert Rowen, MD introduces the topic of therapies utilizing oxidation and identifies ozone as his favorite.

Ozone Therapy and Ebola
Doctor Rowen explains the mechanisms of ozone therapies and explains how this defeats Ebola

Various Oxidation Therapies
Doctor Rowen illustrates applications of various oxidative therapies.

Videos illustrating results of oxidative therapies applied by Doctor Rowen

Ozone Services
O3 Zone
OzoneLab Instruments
Personalized Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Steenblock explains the various integrative medical techniques offered at his clinic.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Dr. Steenblock explains the applicability of hyperbaric oxygen in a wide variety of conditions.
International Hyperbarics Association
an educational and charitable organization focusing on the needs of the hyperbaric community

International Hyperbaric Medical Association
promotes research, treatment protocols and education
about the benefits of hyperbaric medicine.

Hyperbaric Medicine International
establishing hyperbaric oxygen therapy as the standard
of care for a variety of medical conditions

Hyperbaric Pro
This company sells a wide variety of hyperbaric oxygen related equipment types.
Hyperbaric Pro, blog collection
These pages present an extensive collection of articles explaining
the applicabilities of hyperbaric oxygen in numerous conditions.
references supporting HBO in wound care
articles explaining various alternative medicine practices
other articles exposing problems with medical politics
articles explaining alternative cancer therapies
compiled and explained by Ralph Moss, PhD
mixtures of redox active compounds
variously named "Entelev"/"Cancell"/"Cantron"/"Protocel"
anecdotally appearing useful to treat cancer and infections
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